We have created hygienic products that help to prevent skin and health problems, respecting the unique needs of each animal for which they have been designed.
A true beauty and cosmeceutical maintenance treatment. A 100% natural, cosmeceutical line that includes products for the cleansing and care of fur and skin. Made with high-quality raw materials and enriched with Vitamins, Minerals, and Essential Oils, these products penetrate deeply and help to keep the fur and skin healthy. Moreover, the interaction of the various products enhances the effectiveness of each one, making this line a true and proper treatment.
Star for a Day! A line initially designed for those who take their dogs to shows is actually a beauty line that anyone can use for 'special occasions'. Hairspray, gel with gold or silver flakes and glitter, created for a day when everyone can be a 'star for a day.
Officine Cosmeceutiche presenta la linea 365, dedicata alla cura e all' igiene di cani, gatti e cavalli. Formulati con ingredienti e materie prime di altissima qualità, i nostri prodotti sono pensati per nutrire, proteggere e rinvigorire il manto e la cute dei nostri amici a quattro zampe. L'esperienza unica di uno shampoo delicato e di un balsamo rigenerante offre una cura quotidiana, per un manto lucente e una pelle sana, tutto l'anno. Con la linea 365, ogni giorno è un inno alla naturalezza e al benessere degli animali che amiamo. Una esperienza sensoriale a 360 gradi, un nuovo viaggio con la qualità dei prodotti Officine Cosmeceutiche!
The philosophy behind Officine Cosmeceutiche is to formulate cosmetic products with a healing value, thereby creating products that are good for health and preserve the environment, while at the same time being an Italian Excellence.
Officine Cosmeceutiche is happy to answer all your questions. We are available both by email and phone.
Absolutely fantastic products. I have two Maltese dogs and have really noticed how much their skin and fur have improved since using this line. The scents are delicate yet lasting, the fur is shiny and soft, and knots are easier to untangle. Additionally, they are extremely fast in delivery and very kind in responding to every doubt and request. I wholeheartedly recommend them, especially to those who have dogs with long coats and need, for the correct maintenance and management of the fur, professional products of the highest quality.
Officine Cosmeceutiche ships worldwide , but in the following countries, we enjoy official partners:
If you wish your order to be delivered to one of these countries, please visit the websites of our official retailers. They will commit 100% to ensure a unique experience for you and your beloved animals. 100% per garantire un‘esperienza unica per te e i tuoi amati animali.
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